Leaders: Mark Bradley (White River Council on Aging) and John Haffner (Vital Communities) with Lebanon City Officials as guest speakers
Four session workshop – September 16, 23, 30, and October 7 from 9:30 am to 12 pm. Breakfast will be available from 9 am. Lunch will follow the meeting from 12 to 1 pm.
Sessions 1-3 will be held at the Aging Resource Center,
Colburn Hill Entrance E
444 Mt. Support Road
Lebanon, NH
Fourth session location in downtown Lebanon – TBA
Making Connections is a transportation workshop series for people interested in helping solve transportation and mobility challenges facing older adults in the Upper Valley.
The workshop takes participants on a journey through time to understand why so many people are car dependent and what can be done to improve transportation options for those who can no longer drive, or who do not wish to drive.
Workshop topics:
- Monday, September 16. Workshop 1: Why We Drive.
- Monday, September 23. Workshop 2: What Choices Do We Want as We Age?
- Monday, September 30. Workshop 3: Becoming a Mobility Advocate. We hope you will join us for this session!
- Monday, October 7. Workshop 4: Field Trip! Walking/rolling in downtown Lebanon
Participants will learn key concepts of healthy community design, share their own experiences, get tips on going car-light or car-free in the Upper Valley, and dig into ideas for advocacy and action in their own community.
The goal is to help seniors make connections between different choices on where to live and how to get around as we age in place.
The workshop was developed in collaboration with AARP Vermont, Vital Communities, Advance Transit, Tri Valley Transit, and the Town of Hartford and was recently piloted by White River Council on Aging at Bugbee Senior Center in Hartford, VT.
Co-sponsored by OSHER and the Grafton County Senior Citizen Council
This is a four-part workshop. When you sign up for the first session, you are registered for the entire series.