Leader: Kim Wenger Hall
This is a eight-week series of watercolor paintings. Join us as we experiment with watercolors in a less representational way with a bit less drawing and more play. Specifically, we’ll look at the unusual techniques and themes used by Vermont painter Margaret Dwyer in her watercolor series “Beneath the Snow” and “Into the Woods:” expressive, free-form, and hinting at hidden scenes and fantasy. You can see her work here: https://www.margaretdwyerartist.com/
Each week, we’ll focus on a different technique, working toward creating a finished piece by week 6.
Materials to have on hand: (suggestions will be given at the first class)
- pencil, eraser, and sketch paper
- good quality watercolors (pan or tube is best for the beginning perhaps watercolor crayon/pencils later)
- watercolor paper: smaller paper for practicing and sketches and larger paper for the final pieces
- watercolor brushes: having a wide variety is good
Later on: You will receive references and suggestions once the program get started
- fine sharpies or pens can be nice (black & or colors)
- tape for preventing warping of the paper
- a few photographs to work from: landscapes, seascapes, animals, and plants
- Salt, ribbon, lace, glue, tape, and other odds and ends will be used, too!
This program meets eight Mondays (9/12, 19, 26, 10/3, 10, 17, 24, and 31) from 10 am to noon. Singing up for 9/12 means you are signed up for the entire series.
You will receive a zoom link for this class 60 minutes before the class starts. The zoom link will be sent directly to the email you registered with.