Aging Resource Center Events


VIRTUAL -Let’s talk about Late-life Female Incontinence

  • Thursday, December 5, 2024
  • 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Aging Resource Center
444 Mt. Support Road
Lebanon, NH 03766

Virtual event

This is a virtual event. If you have questions about how to connect to the event, please contact the event host.

Register to Participate from Home on Zoom

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Register to Livestream at the Aging Resource Center

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Facilitators: Anne C. Cooper, MD, MA (DHMC Urogynecology Department)

Women 60 years of age and older are invited to talk about a topic that is not always easy to talk about. The purpose of this program is to learn more about Late-Life Female Incontinence with expert Dr. Cooper and to discuss the impact, strategies for coping, and options for treatment of this condition.

  • This program is available for livestreaming at the Aging Resource Center for people without devices or with unstable internet. 
  • If you are participating by Zoom, the link will be sent directly from the Aging Resource Center to the email you registered with about 60 minutes before the program starts.


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