Aging Resource Center Events


VIRTUAL -The Internet of Things: What Secrets Are Being Told by Your Refrigerator?

  • Monday, September 16, 2024
  • 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Aging Resource Center
444 Mt. Support Road
Lebanon, NH 03766

Virtual event

This is a virtual event. If you have questions about how to connect to the event, please contact the event host.

Register to Participate at Home

5 Going
25 remaining

Register to Livestream at the Aging Resource Center

1 Going
9 remaining

Leader: Elliott Greenblott, Vermont State Coordinator – AARP

This program will overview fraud that can be caused by the internet.   Our lives are being impacted by the internet in more ways than most realize.  Beyond computers, tablets, and smart phones, common household items such as televisions, refrigerators, home security and access devices, and even home heat and lighting systems can be remotely controlled over the internet. Even reliable transportation such as the family car is connected and monitored.  Join us for an in-depth examination of the Internet Of Things;  what is connected, how is it accessed, and how can you prevent criminal or malicious harm.

  • This program is available for livestreaming at the Aging Resource Center for people without devices or with unstable internet. 
  • If you are participating by Zoom, the link will be sent directly from the Aging Resource Center to the email you registered with about 60 minutes before the program starts.


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